What’s the primary function of solar energy?

Solar energy is converted to electricity, which can be used similar to other forms of electricity to provide power for homes and businesses.

What are the benefits of going solar?

Only the initial cost of the installation of solar power is expensive. However, you can consider it an investment since you will reap its benefits once it’s up and going. The energy will come from the sun, meaning it’s free, plus it’s safe for the environment since it is renewable and clean. Your power source will no longer depend on the market’s supply and demand for fuel that dictate its price. In the long run, solar energy can reduce a country’s heavy dependence on nonrenewable energy sources.

How does solar energy work?

Here’s a look at how your structure is powered by the solar panels you had installed:

  1. The light from the sun hits the panels, which is then converted into DC or direct current electricity.
  2. From the panels, DC flows into power inverters. In the process, DC is converted into AC or altering current electricity. AC is the type of electricity used in powering homes and other structures.
  3. The AC power collected in the inverters via cables is transmitted to a central power substation. It is here where AC goes through an electrical transformer.
  4. As the electricity goes through the transformers, it gets more voltage before getting sent off to the transmission lines.

The process ensures that homes and businesses get solar electricity that is clean and renewable.

Where are your solar facilities situated, and how many does your company have?

Sonor Sun Energy is among the largest generators of renewable energy from the sun and wind on a global scale. We have numerous distributed generation or small-scale solar projects through our subsidiaries, plus 3,160-megawatt or solar-powered projects in most US states as of the latter part of 2020.

What are the environmental risks of solar facilities?

If there are any risks, they are minimal and won’t cause harm. However, solar facilities have proven to positively impact human health since solar energy does not produce pollutants.

How big of a percentage does solar energy occupy in Sonor Sun Energy’s portfolio?

As of the moment, around 13 percent of Sonor Sun Energy’s generation consists of solar power.

How do you assess a good site fit for constructing a renewable energy project?

There are three considerations we use in assessing each project:

  • The site’s proximity to the transmission lines
  • Landowners who are willing to host our equipment
  • Sites with excellent access to solar and wind resources

How do I get you to look and assess my land if it is suitable for your solar energy project?

You can reach us via the details posted on our Contact Page. However, we cannot guarantee that we’d be able to look into all lands presented to us for assessment.

What is the land size suitable for a solar project?

For every MW capacity of solar energy, the land size should typically range from 5 to 8 acres.

Will the construction cause traffic?

Expect additional traffic while construction is ongoing. The project would require heavy equipment, including cranes, concrete trucks, graders, flatbed trucks, trenching machines, and bulldozers. It might be inconvenient, but rest assured that it will only take several months to finish.

How long will it take to finish the construction?

The duration of construction largely depends on the project’s size. A reasonable time frame can be from 12 to 18 months.