Natural Gas

Sonor Sun Energy stays true to its commitment to providing sufficient power that is safe for people and the environment.
Industry Leader
Sonor Sun Energy has several plants in operation that utilize the latest technologies in the industry. It continuously boosts its energy efficiency and keeps the emissions lower than the conventional energy systems powered by fossils.
Sonor Sun Energy actively looks out for the environment’s welfare as it expands its operations. This is evident with our fossil plants that utilize the combined-cycle generation system that uses…

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Nuclear Energy

Sonor Sun Energy’s parent company, Sonor Energy, has one of the largest nuclear power fleets currently operating in the US.
Industry Leader
Nuclear energy is a reliable and safe source of affordable power for commercial establishments and homes. Nuclear power remains active due to the growing demands for clean energy.
How It Works
Nuclear power plants do not produce pollutants since they do not burn fuel. The main element used in the process is an enriched natural ore – uranium. Instead of burning coal, gas, or oil, power is generated through fission, which is a …

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Energy Storage

Energy storage makes the power grid more efficient and our clients satisfied.
The Promise of Investing in Battery Storage
Our decades of experience in the industry have earned our name, Sonor Sun Energy, an excellent reputation as clean as the solar energy we provide. We are hailed as an industry leader in energy storage with the scope of services we can provide, size, scale, and expertise.
The energy demand never wanes, and energy storage ensures enough electrical energy is stored to keep up with our clients’ needs. These storage systems are reliable, safe, and work by discharging and charging…

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Solar Energy

Sonor Sun Energy is the leading operator of solar energy.
Industry Leader
Sonor Sun Energy already has an extensive reach but keeps expanding its operations to bring solar energy to more communities, commercial establishments, and homes without compromising reliability and affordability.
Universal Solar
Our operations exceed the universal scale of 2,000 megawatts of solar energy in Canada and the US.
Distributed Generation
All our solar plants generate renewable and clean energy distributed to the public, utilities, institutions, and …

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Wind Energy

Sonor Sun Energy is the leading global wind energy generator.
Industry Leader
Sonor Sun Energy is the largest renewable and clean wind energy generator on a global scale. The capacity of our wind generator has almost tripled over the past years. This company has the biggest market share of wind capacity in North America.
Affordable, Clean, and Reliable
We currently have 129 farms that actively provide affordable wind energy beneficial for our economy and the environment. This kind of renewable energy pays many landowners and provides millions in taxes. It …

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When an energy storage or solar project reaches the end of its useful life, what’s next?
The solar or energy storage project will undergo decommissioning at the end of its useful life. In this process, the project undergoes the removal of all its elements, and the land is returned to how it was. Aside from removing the elements, the process involves the disposal of all infrastructure on the ground, such as fences, pads, concrete foundations, inverters, and solar arrays.
The modern projects involving solar energy could last from 25 to 30 years as long as they are regularly maintained and managed. On …

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Property Values

Will a solar project increase the value of my property?
While a solar project won’t have a measurable impact on the neighboring properties to solar farms, it will benefit them economically. These projects can bring economic leverage without demanding anything from the community in return.
A 2021 study was conducted by a firm based in Chicago, CohnReznick, whose expertise lies in property valuation. The study analyzed six solar farms in four different states and how they affect home sales of nearby properties. It concluded that the solar farms did not significantly impact the sales of the properties….

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Is the Environment at Risk with the Use of Solar or Energy Storage?
No. Companies have resorted to using environmentally sustainable and cost-effective mediums for renewable resources and energy storage through time. While all kinds of energy can impact the environment, solar has the lowest impact. It does not cause water or air pollution.
Sonor Sun Energy is committed to protecting wildlife and their natural habitat. We ensure that before implementing projects, we conduct research about the sites to be certain that no wildlife would be harmed and that these projects comply with all local and federal …

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Is our health at risk with the presence of solar or energy storage?
No. Solar panels have been around for decades, and they have proven to be safe not only around humans but the environment as well. Studies have proven that solar energy improves air quality that, in effect, positively impacts human health. Solar energy does not cause any pollutants. According to studies, solar energy has more health-related benefits than electricity.
Modern energy storage runs on lithium-ion batteries, the same power source used for your laptop or smartphone. On the other hand, PV solar panels are composed of the same materials used in many…

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